

I have a new word. Misanthrope. LOL. Blame it on this guy.


Wala lang.Haha.

I don't feel like working today with the rain from Pedring making all that racket. But let me just post this one trivial detail. There's a meme going about that says the No. 1 single on the day of your birth serves as the theme for the rest of your life. The No.1 song on my date of birth is George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord". For some reason, it's not only hilariously funny, it's also terribly ironic.

I cannot bring myself to work today. Just have too many things on my mind. Maybe tomorrow. Good Night.

Misanthrope. Somebody who hates people: somebody who hates humanity, or who dislikes and distrusts other people and tends to avoid them. (Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.)


Flee Fly Flew

Went jogging after work yesterday at the Sports Complex. I haven't done that in about hmmmm ... eight months? I pushed for at least 1Km of jogging with at least 1km intervals of brisk walking in between and the usual sprint on the last few meters. It felt good. I miss my jogging buddies. Didn't want to stress myself after gaining so much weight and not much exercise.

Anyway,I'm going back there later today. It's become a more crowded place since I last remember it. I still prefer the Boulevard - for the better fresh air. But with my new jogging buddies, this will do. :)

It's 3am and I'm wide awake.

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...