
A Joyous New Year To All

I'm off to Bacolod this afternoon to attend yet another wedding. I have started to look forward to the day when the parties will stop and I can get on with my life; Sleep as much as I want; Watch movies in our new DVD player my youngest brother gave us (Yes! He now works and pays for himself! Thank God!); Finish reading "The Lord of the Flies". But a few more days of partying wouldn't hurt although I really miss my shut-eye. And I think I'm getting sick from the change of temperature.

Today will be my last day at work this year. I planned to clean my desk before I leave for Bacolod but since I'm blogging, looks like that's not going to happen. Hehehe.

Viking is busy with sister and handling work problems. We just sort of peek into each other, leaving tracks of where and how we are doing without actually meeting. Lol. Stealth mode. Hold on, babe. Angels are on their way to get you through.

Got a Christmas card from Writer friend. He wrote: To my best friend, Duddy. LOL. I'm not sure I like being demoted to best friend but I was happy about the Duddy part. We haven't talked in quite a while. Glad he still has a sense of humor.

I had wanted to make a picture Christmas card that moves but I havent had time yet. Hope I can make one before the New Year arrives.

I'm off to get an early lunch, my office desk a mess for the coming 2006. Hope I can blog again before the year changes.

To all my blog buddies, readers, friends and relatives who have somehow discovered my blog, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year - hope you get all you wish for in 2006

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...