
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Just finished Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. BIG GRIN. Except for specific parts which to me were excruciatingly corny, I really, surprisingly love it. Again it's back to Korean telenovelas although I seem to have outgrown those. Well maybe except for that Korean actor ... what was his name? Beong Jung or something like that.

Anyway, can't wait for the next book. I already called my brother in manila to try to get me the three other books in paperback. Because I could not stop reading from night to morning, I started to have double vision. Too much black letters on white background maybe? I hope to God this doesn't last.Maybe with a few more winks, I will be back to normal.

Why excruciatingly corny? I can't help it! I hate repeated expressions of undying love although I know from experience that they are not really THAT EXCRUCIATING when you actually hear it from someone you actually want to hear it from :) But to see that on TV or hear it or read it? I am more ... critical. Maybe some writers just say it better than others? I know, I'm quite nasty about it. Evil laugh.

I'm not complaining about Stephanie Meyer though. I like her writing. After Harry Potter, I like the idea of having a new series to follow. And knowing that this happens in high school? Imagine that you were a teenager in the 80's reading Sweet Dreams in paper back. Close? Na-ah!

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