
Eternally 38

Dear God, Allah, Jesu Christi, and whatever name we call you,

You know I never lie about my age. It is as inevitable as death. I turn 38 today. Despite all my philosophies about you and my complaints about life, I want you to know that I am still eternally grateful for everything that I have.

I thank you most of all for family, they are such asses. But it takes one to know one? Imperfect and difficult they may be - I love 'em to bits and I'm such a lucky ass that they also put up with my imperfections and my being difficult.

I thank you for my bedeviled friends. They are my reason to believe in you. Hehehe. And I thank you also for my angelic friends. Sometimes they are just too good for me but I don't mind that one bit. Keep them coming ;)

I love it that you gave me a job that doesn't feel like a job. And I love that you found me opportunities to answer my problems and at the same time find self-expression on how I see the world.

I thank you Lord for a free mind and a free heart.

But I am most grateful for, and you know how I hate being corny, I thank you for being there. For laughing at my blunders, for challenging me in my cowardice, for holding my hand in my fear, for your empathy in my pain. For just being my Lord and Saviour. There can be no other God like you.

I'd give you a hug but you are just too big for me :)

So thanks Bud. I am eternally grateful.



D@phne L@ur@ said...

Belated Happy Birthday! :)

Anonymous said...

happy new year nang dudz.

i read your post and truly how you poured your heart with gratefulness for all the blessings you received. i am now more convinced that your thought will never lose a certain philosophy in dealing with things such as you ruminated God beyond the usual conception; not to mention of course that your literary has taken the habiliment of style of jessica zafra.hehehe.i am simply impressed with your creativity.

have a nice year ahead!!!

duds said...

Thanks D@phn3 L@ur@! Sorry for the very late reply.

My writing can never reach the caliber of Miss Jessica Zafra but thanks for the compliment. I am, however, unconsciously morphing into her. Long hair, glasses, dark clothes, excess fat ;) Nevertheless, I wish to remain distinctively, peculiarly, me.

See you at the sweatshop!

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...