
Too early for humanity

It's 5:46am and too early for humanity. That's because  slept at 3am doing sketches of people with pencils - something I just learned to do and find it fun. But the baby had to sleep next to me early today because his parents had to go to the market to buy food. So this little piggy stayed home. The baby had this bad habit of waking up and wanting to put back to sleep only if you carry him in your arms and croon him back to sleep. I wonder where he got that idea. LOL. Sigh. So no sleep for me until the parents come home.

Anyway, I wanted to post pics from my Starbucks diary. My sister-in-law gave me this Starbucks Planner last January. It had everything I wanted in a planner - good paper, hard bound cover and enough room to be creative. I have converted it to a notebook, sketchbook, a taskbook and an ideas book while it still continues to be a planner at heart. I've wanted to post pics of what it looks like in the inside but it's taking forever to load so let me just post two and resize the rest of the pics for web to post later. I have to do this now before the boy wakes or else will need to rock him to sleep again and I'm running out of songs. LOL

The Sale tag was created for a client and the bahay kubo sketch was from a drawing workbook I bought in Manila to teach me to sketch. Yes, even in creativity, I tend to be bookish - at least with the technical part. If you can't read my terrible handwriting - it's a note about "Good Performance" -something I pick up here and there on my readings. I copy it in THE notebook so I can remember it since I tend to forget where I read it.

Ooops! The boy woke up and is saying hello to the remote control. Be right back with more pics later.

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