
All in a week's time

Stress is ...

  • paying seven pesos for a jeepney fare while you listen to the radio news about increasing oil prices

  • waiting for a loan applied and approved 2 months ago with check pending because someone else from your building failed to pay their loans

  • receiving a notice of disconnection from the phone company

  • attending meetings here and there while your In Tray creaks with self-pity

  • attending a training 20 meters away from where you thought it would be

  • listening to a Korean explain something to you while you smile and pretend you understand his English

  • PMS on your busiest week ever

  • losing your cool with the one you love while trying to control hyperacidity and he decides not to talk to you because you're mean

  • taking added work because you know you're damn good at it but not getting extra pay for your labors

  • the maid calling you to tell you that the electric company pulled the plug for not paying your bills and you will not be having TV tonight

  • a favorite nephew celebrating his 15th birthday and you just can't NOT have a gift because he is the favorite

  • seeing vegetable prices increase by as much as 40 pesos per kilo while worrying how to make food last till the end of the week

... all that in a week's time. So I really don't care about Hurricane Katrina right now.

Peace is ...
Finding it in yourself to laugh at the hilarity of all these. It's either that or I've lost all my senses.

Update: I've managed to raise money to pay half of the electric bill and got the electricity reconnected. My sister volunteered to do the marketing for next week. Was told that my loan will be released next week after two months of waiting for it. I'm working tomorrow but I was also asked to be Godmother to a new baby boy. In my depression, I haven't attended Sunday mass for about a month.

Still God provides. And although I'm not overwhelmingly happy, I feel relieved. I have just been through my worst week. I'm still alive. That calls for a celebration. Care to join me for fishballs?


Harmonia said...

Fishballs? Not sure what those are, but I will help celebrate! LOL

Noticed you updated and thought I would drop off some ZOI Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend anyway and at least it wont be by candle light!

duds said...

Zoi hugs to u and all the sistahs Harm!

Thanks Mellow. I love candle light - just not every night. LOL.

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...