

Today I learned how to make Christmas balls on my computer. Wehehehe. Babaw. Will show my work on my other blog soon. But ball, balls balls, I love my balls!

Burn wounds healing well. Might have some scars but I'll be fine I think. Guess I won't be elephant man anymore. Still contemplating if I will have burn pics in this blog. They are not that attractive but if it were me, I would be curious how it would look - hahaha.

Wasted a whole day at the DFA in queue for a passport that I will not receive in 7 days as their website promised or in 2 days as the region office sign says. It seems that everybody seems to be on their way out of the country judging from the long line of people there, patiently awaiting their names to be called. I don't blame them. As of last night, a German company said that the Philippines is now the 10th most corrupt country in the world. And we are also the third most pessimistic. Tsk tsk. (sings) What the world needs now .. is love, sweet love. It's the only thing that there's just too little of.

I'm playing Christmas songs on my computer but I don't feel a wee bit Christmassy. Oh well.

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Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...