Markey received again yesterday his medal for second honors at W. The fifth straight second honors medal that he got since Grade 1. This is the first one I scanned and sent by email because the other 4 must be somewhere in the attic. The prize for second honors is a serving of spaghetti and a sundae at Jollibee. A treat I am sure that he will always appreciate because that is all he asked as his reward for a year of good effort.
Congratulations Mark and we are very proud of you.
P.S. By the way, Miko was admitted to the UP College of Medicine and the results were also released just while we were attending the recognition ceremonies of Markey at W. As of now we are not sure if he is the only one from BS Public Health of UPV that got admitted but there were only 2 of them who were screened for interview. We decided to keep these little triumphs to ourselves but I sent this message to you just in case my boys will wonder later on if I really appreciated how well they turned out to be. Tell them how proud I am of them. All of them actually.
This happened a day after my own dad and my brother had a spat about a car. All was forgiven though.
But why is it so hard for fathers to tell their sons directly, "I am proud of you"? Me thinks that words sometimes diminish the emotion that go with it. But wouldn't it be nice to hear it straight from the source? Or maybe, fathers will always just be fathers, men of few words and big hearts.
Incidentally, we had a meeting just last night in my father's side of the family. My aunt (who will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow) related to us events we didn't know as kids. Hardships that they went through as parents just to get us through school. I guess my cousins and I realized, now that we ourselves are parents (and single aunts), how lucky we were to have this family.
In fear of sounding clichéd and corny, I say this anyway: I am proud of my nephews and I am proud of what a father my brother turned out to be. I am proud of my own parents and particularly, this huge family, who went through deaths, sickness, anger, huge disappointments ... but managed to stay true to each other despite of.
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