

After attending the APEC-IT seminar and learning Nihongo in the process at the West Visayas State University last Thursday, I ran into my Yahyah buddies. Sweet surprise that one of then just got back from London. So ended up decorating the Foreign Studies Bulletin Board up to 9pm; we had a late dinner at Carlos just when they were about to close. Barely made it. But had yummy mocha coffee and Cardiac arrest Carbonara (that's what it's really called), and sharing bits and pieces about recent secrets and lovelife - a lot of haha moments there - I was refreshed. I have such sweet friends. And I love comparing notes on ... well, men - hahaha. Maybe they are just interesting species that we needed to dissect? Anyway, interesting conversations ended up into long hours as usual. I promised longer in-depth discussions on these - just really need to get through this month.

Today, high school buddies this time - had lunch at Afrique's in Smallville. Tomato soup, pizza, and side dishes of - what else? Haha, men talk. Oh yeah, and career - naks! I think our generation is really into self-actualization. Marriage is really not a priority anymore. Happiness is. Not the selfish kind, I think it's more the self-fulfillment kind. There is a need for balance in everything. A lot of giving and taking. We can't just give and give or take and take. We seek a partnership where we all have to give something to make things work. We can't be superwomen all the time. And neither do we want supermen ... although that wouldn't hurt - hehehe. And again, my buddies kept me company until I had to leave for yet another meeting. Again I promised liquor on our next get together - just really need to get through this month.

I really really just need to get through this month then I'll be ok. Unless a new wave of work hits me again. I have a waitlist for December. But I won't let that bother me today. Just need to focus and get through this month. One week to go. And the panic begins :)

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Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...