
to fly or not to fly

Had a long thumb-numbing conversation with the Crow throught text messaging. His cellphone crashed and he lost my number. He can only contact me through my IM name which when offline, is patched through my phone. I refuse to give him my mobile number since he lost it.

He said I love you. I said I love you too. I didn't mean it , of course. Neither did he. There are instances when you can seperate the truth from the half-truths. And be able to distinguish between a half-truth and a downright lie.

Mambobola, he called me. Ditto, I said. Still he insists we meet even just for coffee.

Since I don't belong to anybody, I know I could fool around whenever I want. I can. But I won't.

Tempting. But no.

1 comment:

kaiyenski said...

why not? :P have a good weekend!

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...