
Another day

There's been rumors that the jerks above will be dissolving our office. And it's not that they find no need for it. It's more that we needed to be part of a larger workforce. If they could only give us a permanent boss who knows what he's doing, I'm sure we will go places. But such is our fate. Sigh.

Took a taxi with sister this morning. (yup. I don't like staying mad at people. Too tiresome.) We had a driver who must have liked ballet because he kept swerving his taxi all over the place and must have thought it quite graceful. It only made me clutch my bag more and step on an imaginary breaks. The problem is, I don't even know how to drive so I might be stepping on the gas pedal for all I know. Anyway, with drivers like this guy, I prefer to close my eyes and relax and surrender to whatever happens. Things I can't control are out of my hands.

I realize I've always made it a point to recognize my mortality. I'd like to be able to leave this world without regrets, although sometimes that might be impropable to some. But if I can just keep in mind that I will never know when my time comes, I might as well live like there's no tomorrow. Thus, my fascination with death.

So I'm going to Baguio even if my sisters will not. I might never see Baguio again.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I do the step on the brake thing and like you i don't drive - I tend to get on busses with wanna-be racing drivers at the wheel

balikbayan_box said...

sama ako punat ng Baguio hehehe

:) said...

when? am off to gyobags soon btw ;)

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...