
Woe is me! for bad ISP

I have been trying to upload newly designed websites on my brother's server. I have tried this before. Uploaded two of my web pages just to try it out and I have succeeded.

I recently created folders for my sister and sis-in-law, for their websites. The server confirmed this. But for some reason - and I've been trying for over a month now, I can't upload new pages on that site. Bwisit! I have new clients to impress. How can they do this to me. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Will have to settle for a webshot view of the html I've created. The real site will have the real contents. As per agreement, I will make the site, my sisters will have to provide the content and I'm still waiting for that.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This is for my sister-in-law.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This is for my sister's business. She's an events planner.

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