Roller Coaster Ride

Im having a hard time writing. I found out my brother reads my blog. LOL. I might need to change addresses again.

Finished another book: Gail Tsukiyama's The Language of Threads. I found it entertaining but I don't like the way she told the story. Too simple and too ... chronological. I don't know. It just didn't work for me. I'm now on my next book: J.D. Salinger's Catcher On The Rye. Yey!

Helped out in a flower congress last week. I am not very good with plants but I have decided that I'm in love with daisies. They showed these great huge daisies grown by a Dutch guy. I just loved the colors. Daisies are such cheerful flowers. I think I'll add daisies to my favorite flower list: 1. tulips; 2. roses; 3. daisies.

My family got together last Friday to celebrate my Dad's birthday. All seven of us siblings were here including spouses and children. First time since my mother's death 3 years ago. You know how you have problems with your siblings but can't shake them off because you are connected with blood. Well it was like that. All warm and joyful. And sad and bad. Still, I love it that we got together. It warms the blood. Felt sad when all went their separate ways. There are always too little time when it comes to reunions.

You know how a good thing is sometimes followed by something really bad. Like getting a reward and in exchange, receive a punishment for that reward. Sigh. Today, I stayed at the hospital all day. I'm alright. But my niece isn't.

Life is a roller coaster ride.


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