
You know something good is going to happen ...

- when you wake up to guitar music of your fave songs playing from your nephew's bedroom.
- when the lcd light of your old cd player decided to illuminate itself after disappearing for the last nine years.
- Korean pop music on cd.
- when office mate forgives you for a boo boo you were responsible for.
- when you realize you have enough money to pay your bills for the month :)
- when you have warm Century tuna for breakfast.
- when only two projects are listed in bulletin board on a long weekend.
- when your anticipating a sibling reunion (all seven) at the end of the weekend.
- when niece shows up with your "Breaking Dawn" book that turned missing months ago.
- when wi-fi in laptop suddenly fixes itself and you can now blog in bed and write about the good things going to happen.
- when brother brings home episodes of CSI you haven't seen before.
- when you pray and find God laughing at you because he seems to think your funny.
- new shoes ;)

But then again, good things always happen. It's a matter of knowing where to look for it and having the right attitude.

I believe the world conspires to make me happy :)


1 comment:

D@phne L@ur@ said...

I completely agree when your statement:

"But then again, good things always happen. It's a matter of knowing where to look for it and having the right attitude."

Stay happy! =)

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...