

I worry about bunsoi now that he's alone in a far away land. I'm also freakingly jealous - hahaha. Bunsoi is 10 years younger than me and he was treated like every youngest child in the family - like he was still a child. When my mom died, we didn't try to baby him - well, maybe we did, like all older sisters are supposed to do when the mom is not around. We bugged him about the mess in his room, taking baths, his clothes, his teeth, school, not planning ahead etc. etc. Let's just say, we gave him hell - LOL! But think how much he will miss that hell now I bet. Well, maybe not (guffaws).

Anyway, he emailed me that he is in his hotel and doing good. And as expected from an older sister, I emailed back:

Ok. Keep in touch. Play nicely with other kids. Don't hit anyone. Don't talk to strangers - or rather, strange men or men who look like women, or strange women. Damu daw sila dira - hahaha. Guess you'll blend right in :D And please, be careful with your spending kay there is no one to bail you out there kay kalayo sa imo. Don't think pasalubong anay. Get fat if that's possible - just not too much!

What am I doing? You're a grown man! Just keep in touch then.

Yup, surprisingly, I do have a motherly instinct.

It's freaking me out. Ughhh!

Good thing he blogs too :) Reading it makes me feel less motherly ;)

Or not.

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