
I'm back

Got back from a four-day vacation in Odiongan, Romblon. Well, it was not much of a vacation really. It was very small town where the tallest point was our hotel which was five-stories up. We had lots of perks though. We got to ride a yacht to and from Aklan. We ate steaks everyday because this Uncle owns a ranch with lots of cattle. And we met distant cousins who had blonde hair and gets amaze when they see house lizards and jump at the sight of cockroaches. :)

I was attending my Uncle and Auntie's 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary. The funny thing was they kept arguing the whole time we were there. I guess that is what old couples do all the time. They argue about the little things, like bath, forks and spoons, giftwrappers and stuff like that. LOL. It was quite entertaining.

I also met my Uncle's friend, he was 76 years old and he would talk about all the women in his life. He showed me pics of his wife, and the pretty young thing he was dating. He said that now, women are only after his money, so he gets them to entertain him. I'm not sure I like his ways but he was fun to be around because he kept us in stitches and he kept making indecent proposals to my other married cousin who was an expert in warding him off. He would miss us, I'm sure. After we left, he will have no one to talk to.

The boat ride back home was a mess. There was a storm making it's way to Japan, so the waves were quite big in the Romblon area. Our boat trip lasted for 4 hours and it was terrible. There were 24 guests on board this yacht. 20 of those guest puked their way to kingdom come. I was on the top 5 of the puking jamboree. Since no one could move very much, because the boat was tossing and turning all over the place, and it was overturning electric fans and spitting out DVD players from their sockets, we were pretty much rooted to our seats and try to close our eyes when the person next to us starts to vomit. By the end of the trip, I was lying on the carpeted floor, not caring if someone steps over me because I was just too weak to raise my head. And the stench was ... ugh! I'm getting a headache just trying to describe everything. I still feel a slight lightheadedness even if I had a whole day rest yesterday. I sometimes feel, I'm still in a ship with big waves.

Anyway, I was sooo happy to reach solid ground. And we laughed at each other for surviving that ordeal. I got invited to return to Odiongan, but me thinks I'll return when my Uncle buys himself a plane. LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lizards? Indoors??? I would freek and run screaming from the room yuck!

Delta Variant

I reported to work last week a day after I got my negative results for the last swab test. And then I went to work after All Soul's Day ...